############# Configuration ############# This document describes the configuration options available. These are set on the :py:class:`chili_pepper.config.Config` object when initializing an :py:class:`chili_pepper.app.App` object, or by modifying ``app.conf``. General Configuration --------------------- ``default_environment_variables`` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Default: :const:`None`. A dictionary of environment variables that should be set in all serverless functions. These values can be augmented by passing the ``environment_variables`` argument to :py:meth:`chili_pepper.app.App.task` decorator. .. _aws-configuration: AWS Configuration ----------------- All AWS configuration lives under the ``aws`` namespace. For example ``config["aws"]["bucket_name"]`` ``bucket_name`` """"""""""""""" *required* Chili_pepper will use this bucket for storing AWS Lambda deployment packages. You should enable versioning on the bucket. You also must ensure that the user or role deploying chili_pepper is allowed to put objects in this bucket. ``runtime`` """"""""""" *required* The AWS Lambda python runtime to use. Several python runtimes are supported - see `the lambda runtime documentation `_ for a full list. You must pass the "Identifier" for the runtime of your choice to the Chili-Pepper app config. ``kms_key`` """"""""""" Default: :const:`None`. Pass a KMS key arn to use that key to encrypt any AWS Lambda environment variables. Chili pepper will also automatically grant the lambda functions ``kms:Decrypt`` permissions to this key. ``default_tags`` """""""""""""""" Default: :const:`None`. A ``dict`` of tags to apply to all resources deployed with chili_pepper. These values can be augmented by passing the ``tags`` argument to :py:meth:`chili_pepper.app.AwsApp.task` decorator. ``extra_allow_permissions`` """"""""""""""""""""""""""" Default: :const:`None`. A list of :py:class:`chili_pepper.app.AwsAllowPermission` objects, defining extra permissions to grant to the lambda functions. ``chili_pepper`` always grants access to `arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole `_. ``subnet_ids`` """""""""""""" Default: :const:`list`. If passed, the lambda function should live in the passed subnets. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-vpcconfig.html. ``security_group_ids`` """""""""""""""""""""" Default: :const:`list`. If passed, the lambda function should live in these security groups. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-vpcconfig.html